Monday, September 13, 2010


Today another 8 hours...and till 1am again. Learned a lot of things this 2 days. The prob is I don't think I can remember all of it. I understood everything, it's just that remembering them would require a little more time. But the other prob is that I have to be able to do all this is 1 week!

Am starting to lose hope. I don't like this feeling. At all. Is this a right decision to make? I dunno. Starting to feel it's not. But I've made the decision so everything after it, I'm gonna have to suck them all in.

Haih, barely have time for my own life. And I'm only doing it part time. 2ml have to go at 9.30am. Really not going to make it. Alive, I mean. And plus the extra hour that I have to give to get all the theories done. Stupid thing. Practice is enough. Practice makes perfect, ain't it? So who the hell needs theory anymore? I mean in doing practical stuff. Yea, you might need a basic, but their version of theory is all bullshit. I spend more time day-dreaming than reading the notes. Seriously.

Fuck it. Still have to repeat the same thing 2ml anyway. And the next day. And the next. And almost everyday. Lucky their pay is quite high. If not, getting experience or not, I quit.

~Bunnie~ *exhausted*

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